Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Invisalign - DAY 3

7:45 AM

I awoke with a splitting headache. I am not one to get headaches, so I am sure it is because of my moving teeth. Taking out my aligners, I have noticed a change in my bite. Teeth are touching that haven't touched in a long time. However, I am not seeing any changes in the mirror. It is very strange.

I've had to chug my coffee the last two days and believe it is burning a hole in my stomach, and that hole is draining straight into my bladder. I am just not used to eating and drinking my breakfast so quick. Maybe I should just pour it straight into the urinal.

My wife did some research last night and on most of the Ortho office websites that offer Invisalign, they say the aligners need to stay in between 20-22 hours a day. I think I am going to strive for 20 hours, since I started off not doing so well. Also, I am going to start saying "aligners" instead of "trays" since that sounds so cafeterian. So, that said...

Aligners Out of Mouth - 45 Mins.

12:03 PM

Pride took over today. I had to give a presentation at work today and was not sure how I would sound so I took out my aligners. I am beating myself up because the meeting went longer than I thought and cut into my "free time" of "teeth breathing". What was I thinking?!?!?! I am just glad it went straight into my lunch.

Aligners Out of Mouth - 1 hour 30 Mins.

2:29 PM

I am not one to grind my teeth, but I am finding it difficult not to. Grind might not be the right word...bite incessantly might be a better term. Unfortunately, every time I "bite", my teeth begin to ache which causes me to get a headache. I hate how the human body works.

Also, I have noticed that my upper lip protrudes ever-so-slightly, even though the aligners are made of thin plastic. I think it is because of the "bulbs" in them where the appliances are going to go. I am sure it is not noticeable to anyone else. I realize I am noticing the small things, but I am sure this is normal at first.

Had to snack so...

Aligners Out of Mouth - 15 Mins.

9:16 PM

I have to say if you are a woman and thinking about Invisalign, I hope you don't like your nails. We have a friend who warned us that fingernails were going to take a beating and she wasn't lying. I have been using my nails to get my aligners off my teeth and have breaks in my nails that go past where any nail should break. And we still don't have the appliances on our teeth yet that will hold the aligners on TIGHTER. I am so screwed.

Also, I notice how sensitive my teeth are getting after only three days. My bottom front teeth are the worst, of course they have moved the most so they are probably the ones getting the most workout. I can not believe it has only been three days and I already sound like I need a binky.

I realized that you have no idea what my teeth look like so here are photos I took on Day 1, and I will shoot and post additional photos as I go through my aligners...Enjoy.

Actually, that is kind of creepy. Sorry. Took the aligners out for dinner and a snack so...

Aligners Out of Mouth - 1 hour

Pain Level - 2
Dedication Level - 10 (since switching to 20 hours a day)
Irritation Level - 2.5 (and rising)

Total Time with Aligners Out of Mouth - 3 Hours

Helpful Hint: In regards to taking off the aligners with your nails, we were told by our Orthodontist's assistant that if you had any issues you could always use a crochet hook to get them off.


  1. thanks so much for posting this Sean --- my dentist has been trying to get me to do this for 3 years now, and I keep putting it off. Hate to say this, but you are going to be my "guinea pig" and help me make up my mind !!!

    Jenny Thomas

  2. I am glad to be a Guinea Pig. Main reason why I did this was because I didn't see anyone else doing it on a daily (or simi-daily) basis. It was always a month or two. If you have any quetions, please just let me know. I am an open book regarding this.

  3. I love my invisalign..Day one killed me with each tray- days after that did not hurt at all..
    However your website is VERY hard to look at with the black background- When I look away I see white words an black all over.... Just an FYI.
