Friday, January 22, 2010

Invisalign - DAY 5

I am finding it hard to jump online more than once a day so I am going to change the format of this blog. I find it easier to sit down at the end of the day, gather my thoughts and vomit them all over the Internet at once. I guess you can call this my exorcism...ignore the corn.

I hate to keep talking about the difficulty I have with my morning coffee, but it is truly becoming a pain. I have realized that I hate the taste of coffee. And, when you have to chug it to get your morning dose of caffiene, it is not a good way to start the day, I don't care how much Folgers tries to sell me on that (do they still make Folgers?). It looks as if my morning coffee is going "bye bye", at least for now. For those of you who have stock in Starbucks, I would sell them off real soon.

It seems like my aligners are real easy to put in and take out now. I am not sure if my teeth have finished moving with these aligners but they just pop right in and out (the aligners, not my teeth). There is a little discomfort around where the teeth need to move the most, but not as bad as it was 5 days ago.

And, I can not believe how much water I am drinking and yet my lips are getting so chapped. I have tubes of chapstick all over the apartment, in every cubby hole in the car, in every jacket pocket. Note to self: purchase stock in Chapstick.

Aligners Out of Mouth:
Breakfast - 45 Mins
Lunch - 45 Mins
Snack/Trip Home - 30 Mins
Dinner - 1 Hour 30 Mins

Total Time - 3 Hours 30 Mins

Pain Level - 0 (headaches seem to be gone)
Dedication Level - 10 (yay, me)
Irritation Level - 1.5

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