Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Invisalign - DAY 87

So, one more week has passed and things are not going as smoothly as I thought they were going to go. It seems that filmmaking and Invisalign do not play well in the sandbox.

I just came off of two days on a new web series, "Why I Hate Bitsy Malone", and did really well on the first day. I had some dialogue but it was all shot within a couple of hours. I took the trays out when I knew we were starting my shots, and put them back in when we were wrapped with my section.

Then came day two.

Right when I got to the set at 10 AM, I took out my aligners...don't ask me why but out they came. Then we started shooting about an hour later (I wish I had that hour back to put my trays back in). The good thing about day two: there was a lot of dialogue...the bad thing about day two: there was a lot of dialogue.

*Ding* Lunch time!!!! I looked at my iPhone and it was 2:30 PM. Holy crap, my aligners were out for 4.5 hours and now I had to keep them out to eat lunch?!?!?!?

I engulfed the Subway Turkey Sub and Bar-B-Q Ruffles, brushed my teeth, and put my aligners back in, but they called everyone back to the set a half hour later. I knew I still had dialogue so out they came again. Damn it!!!

We finished shooting by 6 PM and celebrated the Executive Producer's, the Assistant Director, and the DP's birthdays so cake was brought out and, once again, engulfed as quickly as possible. However, I had to stick around to do some voice-over work. Surely, I couldn't put my aligners back in now.

By 7 PM, I was in my car, forcing my aligners back into my mouth. With a total time of 8+ hours with them out, I could feel the tightness of my unfaithfulness to this process waging war on my teeth.

I have some serious time to make up for this. Not sure how, but I gotta, I just gotta!!!

Pain Level - 2
Dedication Level - 2
Irriation Level - 5

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