Monday, May 3, 2010

Invisalign - DAY 106

Wow, has it really been almost 20 days since I have blogged? Tray #7 came and went with no interesting issues or problems? What the...????

I think the only thing that is 'news worthy' is my wife and I went to see Dr. Azani last Monday for our 6-week check up. I was telling him how I was still frustrated after 15 weeks I still didn't see any change in my teeth. He informed me that everything was going great and "if the new trays are fitting, they were doing their job."

Then he pulled up a photo on the computer with a shot of my bottom teeth from the first day and handed me a mirror so I could see my bottom teeth now and compare. I could see that they had moved a little. At least, the one tooth was not so far behind the other. YAY!!!

Also, our friend who started Invisalign before found out that day that she would have 8 more aligners to finish the refinements needed. I have always known that when Dr. Azani told us that we had 19 trays that it would be longer than that.

One thing I noticed this morning was that my bottom aligners would always 'pop' off my bottom front teeth because of the way the teeth were positioned. Now, they are sliding off. I think it is because they are not so 'jacked up' anymore and are more aligned then before. It is a good thing. Changes are a'coming!!!!

Pain Level - 3 (more of a headache from the new aligners)
Dedication Level - 8
Irritation Level - 2

1 comment:

  1. i want that my daughter would have a good teeth that is why i always let her take good care of her teeth..

    orthodontist pittsburgh
